Source code for src.nviz.image_meta

Viewing utilities for GFF 3D organoid project

import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring

[docs] def extract_z_slice_number_from_filename(filename: str) -> int: """ Extracts a z-slice number from a filename. Follows conventions from images which are produced to our knowledge by ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan microscope output. Assumes the z-slice number is a zero-padded number in the filename with the pattern '_ZS###_'. Args: filename (str): The name of the file from which to extract the z-slice number. Returns: int: The extracted z-slice number. Returns 0 if the pattern is not found. """ match ="_ZS(\d+)_", filename) return int( if match else 0
[docs] def gather_scaling_info_from_scaninfoxml( xml_file: str, ) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float]]: """ Reads the scan information from an XML file and returns the values of ZStackSpacingMicrons, MicronsPerPixelY, and MicronsPerPixelX. This function specifically caters to a file named ScanInfo.xml which is included to our knowledge within ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan microscope output (and perhaps others). Args: xml_file (str): Path to the XML file. Returns: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float]]: A tuple containing the values of ZStackSpacingMicrons, MicronsPerPixelY, and MicronsPerPixelX. If a value is not found, it will be None. """ tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() microns_per_pixel_y: Optional[float] = None microns_per_pixel_x: Optional[float] = None z_stack_spacing_microns: Optional[float] = None for setting in root.findall(".//Setting"): param = setting.get("Parameter") if param == "MicronsPerPixelY": microns_per_pixel_y = float(setting.text) elif param == "MicronsPerPixelX": microns_per_pixel_x = float(setting.text) elif param == "ZStackSpacingMicrons": z_stack_spacing_microns = float(setting.text) return (z_stack_spacing_microns, microns_per_pixel_y, microns_per_pixel_x)
[docs] def generate_ome_xml(metadata: Dict) -> str: """ Generate OME-XML metadata for use within an OME-TIFF file. Args: metadata (Dict): Dictionary containing metadata. Returns: str: OME-XML string. """ ome = Element("OME", xmlns="") image = SubElement(ome, "Image", ID="Image:0") pixels = SubElement( image, "Pixels", { "ID": "Pixels:0", "Type": "uint16", "DimensionOrder": "CZYX", "SizeC": str(metadata["SizeC"]), "SizeZ": str(metadata["SizeZ"]), "SizeY": str(metadata["SizeY"]), "SizeX": str(metadata["SizeX"]), "PhysicalSizeX": str(metadata["PhysicalSizeX"]), "PhysicalSizeY": str(metadata["PhysicalSizeY"]), "PhysicalSizeZ": str(metadata["PhysicalSizeZ"]), "PhysicalSizeXUnit": metadata["PhysicalSizeXUnit"], "PhysicalSizeYUnit": metadata["PhysicalSizeYUnit"], "PhysicalSizeZUnit": metadata["PhysicalSizeZUnit"], }, ) for i, channel in enumerate(metadata["Channel"]): SubElement( pixels, "Channel", { "ID": f"Channel:0:{i}", "Name": channel["Name"], }, ) return tostring(ome, encoding="unicode")